Southern Orthopaedic Association Meeting
Southern Orthopaedic Association Meeting
Southern Orthopaedic Association Meeting
Operation Without Opioids: No Pain No PillsKSAT.COM
Operation Without Opioids: No Pain No PillsIVANHOE.COM
Is It Wrong To Let Children Do Extreme Sports?NYTIMES.COM
Cleveland Clinic Surgeons Offer Alternatives To Opioids To Treat Post-Op Pain MIAMI.CBSLOCAL.COM
With The Thrills Come Extreme Risks NYTIMES.COM
Former Duke Orthopaedic Resident, Vani Sabesan, MD, Featured In AAOS Now ORTHO.DUKE.EDU/
Virtual Reality Meets Augmented Reality: Behind The New Lenses Rolling Out For Surgeons
Managing Postoperative Pain In The Orthopaedic Patient Without Opioids